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Ion-exchange membrane electrolyzer hose

Xyoo 2002, lub tuam txhab tau koom tes nrog Asahi Chemical Corporation ntawm Nyiv los koom ua ke tsim cov hluav taws xob muaj zog electrolytic cell roj hmab gaskets. Xyoo 2003, lub tuam txhab thawj zaug muab 120000 tons ntawm roj hmab gaskets rau Qilu project, uas muaj qhov zoo xws li corrosion kuj, siab elasticity, thiab siab lifespan. Cov khoom tseem ceeb uas tsim los ntawm lub tuam txhab suav nrog Asahi Chemical's bipolar groove roj hmab gaskets, Western roj av roj hmab gaskets, Denora roj hmab gaskets, FM-21 roj hmab gaskets, AZEC-F2 roj hmab gaskets, AZEC-B1 roj hmab gaskets, Uhde gaskets, Asahi Chemical lub electrolytic cell brackets. thiab pins, ntau yam khoom yas, thiab lawv cov khoom raug xa tawm mus rau cov teb chaws xws li Indonesia, thiab tau txais kev qhuas los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws.

    Electrolysis Section: Electrolyzer hose
    a. Anolyte System
    Lub super purified brine los ntawm super purified brine tank yog pub los ntawm txhua tus electrolyzer manifold thiab muab faib rau txhua lub anode chamber qhov twg nws decomposes rau hauv chlorine thiab sodium ions. Ib tug khiav tswj nruab nrog pub brine pipeline rau txhua lub electrolyzer Circuit Court saib xyuas tus super purified brine txaus tus nqi.
    Ob-theem kwj depleted brine thiab cov roj chlorine ntub dej ntws los ntawm txhua lub anode chamber mus rau hauv ib qho kev sib sau manifold nruab nrog txhua electrolyzer uas depleted brine thiab chlorine gas sib cais.
    Lub depleted brine los ntawm manifold ntws los ntawm ceg yeeb nkab thiab lub taub hau lub ntsiab rau hauv lub tank anolyte los ntawm lub ntiajteb txawj nqus, thaum cov roj chlorine raug xa mus rau B / L (chlorine gas processing section).
    Lub depleted brine los ntawm lub tank anolyte yog pumped mus rau lub dechlorination seem los ntawm qib tswj. Ib txhia ntawm depleted brine nyob rau hauv lub anolyte tank yog recycled rau cov electrolyzers los ntawm kev sib xyaw nrog cov tshiab super purified brine.
    Demineralized dej muab kab yog muab rau anolyte dilution los tiv thaiv cov ntsev crystallization thaum kaw thiab rau anolyte concentration hloov kom tau raws li daim nyias nyias yuav tsum tau thaum pib.
    b. Catholyte System
    Recycle caustic yog pub rau txhua tus electrolyzer manifold los ntawm catholyte tshav kub exchanger, thiab ces muab faib mus rau txhua lub cathode chamber qhov twg cathode cov tshuaj tiv thaiv decomposes dej rau hauv hydrogen thiab hydroxide ions. Ib qho dej ntws tswj tau nruab rau ntawm txhua lub tshuab hluav taws xob electrolyzer tswj cov khoom siv rov ua dua caustic ntws.
    Ib tug ob-theem kwj ntawm caustic tov thiab hydrogen gas overflows los ntawm txhua cathode chamber mus rau ib tug sau manifold nruab nrog txhua electrolyzer nyob rau hauv uas cov caustic tov thiab hydrogen yog sib cais.
    Cov tshuaj caustic los ntawm cov manifold ntws los ntawm ceg yeeb nkab, thiab lub ntsiab header rau hauv catholyte tank los ntawm lub ntiajteb txawj nqus, thaum cov roj hydrogen raug xa mus rau hydrogen gas processing seem los ntawm ceg thiab header yeeb nkab. Thaum tawm hauv lub recycle caustic tank, cov tshuaj caustic cais ua ob kwj dej: ib qho khoom kwj mus rau B/L thiab ib tug recycle caustic kwj rau cov electrolyzers.
    Lub caustic soda kub exchanger heats los yog txias cov recycled caustic kom lub electrolyzer khiav hauj lwm kub ntawm 85 ~ 90 deg-C. Thaum pib, lub caustic soda kub exchanger yog siv los ua kom sov lub electrolyte nyob rau hauv lub electrolyzers, accelerating tag nrho tam sim no load attainment yam tsis muaj ntau dhau voltage.
    Lub zog electrolyzer yog kev soj ntsuam los ntawm kev ntsuas lub zog ntawm lub cev, thiab feem ntau khaws cia ntawm kwv yees li ntawm 32WNALAL
    Txhawm rau txheeb xyuas qhov txawv txav ntawm electrolyzers, electrolyzer voltage thiab ntsuas kub ntsuas qhov system raug teeb tsa.
    c. Gas qhov system
    Lub hydrogen gas siab yog tswj ntawm approx. 400 hli H2O siab tshaj chlorine gas siab.